A good answer might be:


These values are defined as constants:

final int treeX = 200, treeY = 45, treeW = 125, treeH = 55;  // tree leaves

To add the foliage to the tree, the following methods call will be added to the applet:

gr.setColor( Color.green );
gr.fillOval( treeX, treeY, treeW, treeH );

The fillOval() method is like the drawOval() method, except that it fills the figure with the current color.

Next, look at the green lines that make up the rolling hills in the background (click here to see them). Estimate an (X, Y) value for each line's endpoints. If a values already has a name, like houseX, or can be calculated, do that.


The first line (let us say) is the one on the left. Fill in the blanks in the following. (It might be a bit tedious to fill them all in, but try at least a few.)

 startX startY endX endY
line 1L1X1: _______L1Y1:_______L1X2:_________L1Y2: _______
line 2L2X1: _______L2Y1:_______L2X2:_________L2Y2: _______
line 3L3X1: _______L3Y1:_______L3X2:_________L3Y2: _______
line 4L4X1: _______L4Y1:_______L4X2:_________L4Y2: _______